
{Take-Home} Lima Bean Lab

Instructions: Place your Lima bean baggies in a controlled area. For example, tape them to a window. Once placed, you cannot move, open or add ANYTHING to the baggies. You (students) are asked to observe and record your observations below. You must observe at least 5 days. Observations are due Friday, September 9th.

Record: Day & Date
Baggie 1
(Manipulated & Responding  Variables)
Baggie 2

Example: Day 1: Tuesday, 9/10/16

No change

Small sprout
Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Students are encouraged to email pictures of their Lima bean observations to be shared with their class. Please include the students name and class period in the email.

Email observations to: kleger@vidorisd.org